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Save the Date – Climate Justice Action in September 2024

Sep 28, 2024|

Climate Justice Center, 462 36th St, Sunset Park, Brooklyn, NY 11232


Join UPROSE for the “Climate Justice Lives Here!” march and community festival on September 28th, 2024, in Sunset Park. This significant event caps off NYC Climate Week and coincides with the 10th anniversary of the People’s Climate March, celebrating the critical role of frontline communities in driving climate justice. The march will traverse Sunset Park, culminating at the Brooklyn Army Terminal waterfront where a vibrant climate justice festival will unfold. Expect an array of activities including cultural performances, poetry readings, learning circles, and art activities, all centered around raising awareness for climate justice. A multicultural food bazaar featuring local vendors will provide sustenance, while a robust multi-media communications strategy will amplify the voices and stories often overlooked during Climate Week, ensuring that the message—Solutions Are Local—resonates far and wide.